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Creator Brand Studio

A Center of Excellence for leveraging the Creator & Influencer Economy to grow existing brands or to accelerate the creation of new, more authentic ones.

The Emergence of the Creator & Influencer Economy (2.0)

Why We Built the Creator Brand Studio

The Creator Economy represents a significant paradigm shift in consumer engagement, fundamentally changing how individuals interact with brands and media, moving away from traditional advertising models. Like radio, television, and social media before it, this new economy is forcing large brands to rethink their marketing strategies, build new internal capabilities, adopt new AI technologies, and most consequentially, re-examine how they bring more authentic brands to market.

The Creator Brand Studio was built to address this new reality. Those still outsourcing their creator strategies to agencies and keeping creators at arm’s length are missing a crucial opportunity. Now is the time for brands to take a closer look at this once-in-a-generation opportunity (or perhaps existential threat) that will fundamentally change how new brands are created, incubated, and grown.


The Creator Economy represents one of the most significant paradigm shifts in consumer brand building since the inception of the internet. Never before in history have the “celebrities” that created the culture also controlled the content and access to the end consumer.

– Jon Corshen, Managing Partner & Founder

The Creator & Influencer Economy 2.0 is Impacting Every Aspect of the Brand-Building Lifecycle

Connected to Culture
Creators drive the cultural conversation, and their influence plays a pivotal role in shaping consumers’ behaviors and emotions.
Direct Consumer Connections
By cultivating authentic, direct consumer relationships with their communities, creators influence every stage of the purchase journey.
Accelerated Innovation
They can rapidly validate concepts with their communities and shape go-to-market strategies, shortening innovation cycles.
Redefining Product-Market fit
For creators, the role of their brand is 100% about the connection with their audience. Because they’re not wedded to an original category, creators are able to align their brand to a variety of products and categories with little danger of damaging the master brand.
Fast-Track Brand Growth
Large built in and engaged audiences combined with a mastery of social amplification, new brands can scale from $0 to $100M in revenue in record time by leveraging creators’ reach and influence.
Authentic Brand Builders
Many creators are now launching their own brands, often directly with retailers, bypassing traditional brand involvement.
What We Do in the Studio

Tapping the Creator Economy as the New Engine of Growth

Success in the next generation of the Creator & Influencer Economy requires a deep understanding of the ecosystem, including the different types of influencers and creators, and how corporates can collaborate in new ways that amplify the unique value of both parties. It involves building close partnerships with creators, shifting from transactional relationships to strategic partnerships that drive long-term value for all parties. It also requires a foundational understanding of AI and the vast array of new digital marketing and omnichannel commerce technologies that power this new paradigm.

To help our clients navigate this brave new world, we have developed a suite of turnkey services to immerse your leadership and brand management team in all things Creator Economy. We’ll help you take the power—and money—back from your agencies, providing the expertise and insight needed to leverage the Creator Economy as a powerful new tool for growth.

Solutions for Corporate Growth

Studio Services

Our Creator Brand Studio provides a comprehensive suite of services designed to fully immerse your leadership and brand teams in the dynamic Creator Economy. Together, we will develop a cutting-edge creator strategy and establish impactful partnerships that go beyond traditional influencer marketing, delivering meaningful growth for your business.

Strategy Assessment
Strategy Assessment & Opportunity Analysis
Unsure if your agency is delivering or where to start in building your programs? We can rapidly evaluate your current approach, identify gaps, and highlight future Creator & Influencer opportunities.
LiveLab Immersion Workshop
LiveLab Immersion Workshop
Looking for the fastest way to upskill and empower your team? This immersive workshop will turn your team into industry leaders while also developing a cross-functional strategy in real-time.
New Creator-Brand Development
Need to bring more authentic brands to market and scale them faster? Let us show you why the Creator Economy is the future of corporate brand building.
Get Your FREE

Creator Opportunity Analysis

Meet 1-on-1 with our research team in a relaxed, open conversation to explore your top Creator Economy opportunity areas. We’ll discuss how to start working with creators, ways to improve your current programs, or opportunities for building entirely new creator brands.
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